What is the CPOL?
A number of federal government job vacancy announcements require the Army CPOL Resumix format in the application, which is scanned into a computer database for preliminary screening. Your materials must meet the job size, layout, and keywords criteria just to get past the computer filters to be seen by a human being.
Online formats are very restrictive and each has different requirements. If you are not computer-savvy, these formats can also be very difficult to complete correctly. If not done correctly, your application may end up being automatically rejected even though you may be fully qualified. You need to tell your story in a specific way—one that is acceptable to the computer as well as the hiring manager.
For many job openings, hundreds of applications are received. Here are some important details to understand before you begin the process of submitting an Army CPOL Resumix:
Fill Out Our Quick Quote or Call (800) 471-9201 for a Consultation.
The Five Steps:
Step 1: The first step to have us prepare your military transition resume, federal government resume, resumix, KSAs, or essay questions and/or prepare you for online posting is to request a free quick quote. Submit your resume and federal job vacancy announcement for a free review and quote. Contact us at (800) 471-9201 for a free consultation.
Step 2: Our review will help us determine and address what we need to do to prepare your federal resume package. At no cost to you, we will review your existing resume and up to two positions you have identified in the federal government or private/public sector that you are considering.
Step 3: Based on our free review of your background, previously prepared documents, and requirements for the position for which you are applying, we will propose the appropriate type of federal resume or resumix to prepare, determine if there are required KSAs or essay questions, and determine if you are indeed eligible to apply for the federal job vacancies you have selected. You will be quoted a package price via e-mail or through a telephone consultation.
Step 4: When we begin the development of your federal application, we will use the information you supplied us and request additional information such as performance evaluations, awards, college transcripts, and DD-214s, and then develop a questionnaire specifically related to extracting pertinent information in order for us to achieve maximum scoring of keywords and core competencies. Your information will then be integrated with the general series and grade, or pay band of the federal application.
Step 5: Your project delivery date will be scheduled and a draft of your federal application will be delivered to you via e-mail for your final approval. You will have 14 days to make any changes, additions, deletions, etc. to make your application perfect.
Documents and/or information that is helpful to submit:
1. Copies of your annual performance evaluations and job descriptions
2. Copies of any awards, citations, and medals you have received
3. List of professional training received
4. Current or older version of your resume
5. If retired or separated from the military, a copy of your DD-214
6. Up to two federal vacancy announcements of interest and/or two private-sector job announcements of interest to you
7. Your current e-mail address and telephone number(s). Please visit www.usajobs.opm.gov to locate federal jobs of interest
These documents can be sent directly to your career coach at ArmyResumes.com after you have made contact.
Call us at (800) 471-9201 today to start the next step in your career.
(800) 471-9201 (toll free)
(478) 742-2442
(478) 742-2882 (fax)
Join 50,000 satisfied clients who chose us to develop their federal resume. Our Certified Federal Resume Writers are the leaders in writing federal job resumes and KSAs. We develop and specialize in:
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